ビクターくんとの再会・ Running into Victor-kun


退院後 毎週2回リハビリに通ってます。
帰りは幕張本郷までバスに乗ろうかなぁと思ったけど、いいお天気だったので 幕張駅まで歩いてみました。
子供の頃 幕張に住んでいたので、当時のままの建物が所々に残っている街をちょっと懐かしい気持ちで歩きました。

「そういえば、この踏み切りの向こうの電気屋さんの前に ビクター君がいたなぁ」

「まぁ そうだよね。何十年も前だし。」
もうお年だから お店の中で 静かな老後を過ごしてるのかな(笑)
子供の頃は、なんて優しくて賢そうな犬なんだろうって 思ってたけど、大人になって改めて見るとなんだかちょっと哀愁を帯びているような…

(相変わらず、どうでもいいようなことよく知ってる主人です 笑)


駅まで歩いたおかげで、懐かしい友と再会できて 感謝感激♡


The other day, I went for physical therapy. Usually, my husband goes with me, but he had his watercolor class that day,so he dropped me at the hospital on his way to the class . At first, I palanned to take a bus and a train to get back home after the
physical therapy. 

It was a nice warm day, so I decided to walk to Makuhari station.

It took me about 25 minutes to get to the station. I used to live in Makuhari when I was a child, so I had some nostalgic feelings while I walked through the town. 

When I passed by an old electric shop, I suddenly remembered that there used to be a dog statue in front of the shop and I would pet it whenever I passed by. I called him " Victor-kun" because he was a trademark of Victor.

Of course, the dog statue wasn't in front of the shop anymore, but I stopped and looked inside.

There he was!

It had been more than 50 years, but the dog was still there!

When I was a child, I saw it as a gentle, smart-looking dog, but now it looked somehow a bit tired and melancholic. I thought he might be tired of sitting there for a long long time.

When I told my husband about the dog, he told me a story.

The dog's name is Nipper and he was listening to his late master's voice through a phonograph. That's why he looked a little bit sad.

Then I suddenly remembered that I encountered Nipper in downtown Los Angeles. 

He sat in front of a music store. For some reason, he looked younger and more cheerful than the Japanese one.

Maybe it's because of enviroments they have lived for all these years? hahaha.


In Christ.♡ キリストの愛の中で

主はわたしの牧者 詩篇23篇・The Lord is my shepherd Paslm23

Just Do It!  / とにかく やんなよ!