ケガして見つけた小さな幸せ 1 / Little happiness that I found.

入院、手術を経験してあらためて たくさんの小さな幸せに 気がつかせてもらいました。



病室では窓際のベッドだったけど、防犯上の理由からか 病室の窓は自分では開けられませんでした。もちろんラウンジの窓も 閉めっきり。

なので、 入院中は外の空気に触れることが、ほぼ不可能


日曜日は外来がなくて 病院内も人が少なかったので

「中庭に出られるかな」と思って ちょっと勇気を出して行ってみました。

でも自動ドアがロックされてて ショボーン‥‥。


一度だけ ヘルパーさんが病室の窓を開けた時がありました。
それは 窓際のベッドの方が退院した後の 掃除の時。

ほんの少し開いた窓から 新鮮な外の空気が一瞬流れてきたので、思わず深呼吸しちゃいました。


そういうわけで、今まで 当たり前すぎて 気にも留めなかったけど、






 *ー*ー*ー*ー*ー *ー*ー*ー*ー*ー *ー*ー*ー*ー*ー

The windows of the hospital room and the lounge were all closed. 
Maybe for security reasons, patients were not allowed to open them.

I'm kind of claustrophobic, so being in a closed space made me feel suffocated. 

I was hungry for the fresh air! 

I was able to walk to the physical therapy room, and the convenience shop in the hospital but couldn't go out in my pajamas to have some fresh air. 

The hospital is closed on Sunday, and there weren't many people around.
 That's why I ventured to go down to the first floor and tried to go out to the courtyard. 

However, the door was locked. 
I was so disappointed.

 The only opportunity was a cleaning time. When a patient who used a window-side bed was discharged, a staff came and opened the window a little bit and cleaned the floor. 
At that moment, I inhaled a slight amount of air coming from the outside. 

I was hungry for fresh air that much.


Before the injury, I took many things for granted and hadn't given much thought to them. 

However, I learned to find little happiness in small things in my daily life through this hard experience.

I'm really grateful for it.

Thank you Lord!


In Christ.♡ キリストの愛の中で

主はわたしの牧者 詩篇23篇・The Lord is my shepherd Paslm23

Just Do It!  / とにかく やんなよ!