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江上茂雄の 作品展

 I went to see Egami Shigeo's art exhibition 
at Kichijyouji art museum with my husband.

To my very surprise, they allowed us to take pictures of his paintings.

すごく緻密な 花の鉛筆画

毎日一枚 描いてたっていうから すごい!

しかも 消しゴムは いっさい使わずに😲

道端に生えてる 雑草の絵も たくさんあって

その美しさに 改めて気づかされた
 I didn't expect much but was amazed by his exquisite botanical illustrations with pencil. He made it a custom to draw one flower a day without using an eraser.

なんとも すてきな色使いの


His crayon drawings were a good example of color combination.

After that, we visited 3 art galleries in Ginza.
 We're thinking to hold our exhibition next year and we're looking for a suitable gallery. However, a not so expensive one was too small, and a nice one was too expensive.

その後 ギャラリーを 三つはしごして

椿屋カフェで 一休み

 We had tea at Tsubakiya cafe.

( Tsubaki means camellia)

インテリアも すてきだけど、

茶器も ウエッジウッド

ポットには 椿の刺繍がしてある

ティーコゼーが かぶせてありました
 Tea was served with meissen tea set.
The green thing is tea cozy with camellia embroidery on it.


珈琲クリームの シフォンケーキ。


君の焼いた方のが おいしいよ」と

主人が 言うもんだから

まぁね、と勝手に 悦にいる。

 We  also ordered cakes.

トイレに 行く階段の壁に

何気に 東郷青児の絵が😲

There was also a  painting of Togo Seiji hanging on the wall going the third floor.


In Christ.♡ キリストの愛の中で

主はわたしの牧者 詩篇23篇・The Lord is my shepherd Paslm23

Just Do It!  / とにかく やんなよ!