ケガして見つけた小さな幸せ3・桜並木 / Little happiness that I found ・Cherry Blossom
(Followed by English translation) 右肩の手術から今日で ちょうど4ヶ月が経ちました。 毎年桜の美しさに感動するけれど、今年は格別❣️ 自分の足で歩ける喜びを 噛みしめながら、 頭上に広がる 桜の花を見上げました🌸 桜の甘い蜜は 鳥たちにとって大ご馳走。 みんな桜の花の上を ぴょんぴょん飛びまわりながら、一生懸命蜜を吸っています。 その拍子に 桜の花がひらひらと‥ 木の下から見上げてたら、 私の手の中にも ひとひら舞い落ちてきました。 鳥たちからの春のプレゼント♡ 器に水を張って 集めた桜の花を浮かべたら、 まだ肌寒い家の中に 小さな春がやってきました🌸 *ー*ー*ー*ー*ー*ー*ー* It's cherry blossom season again! Every year, I take a walk under the row of cherry blossom trees near my house and collect the scattered flowers. Nobody has stepped on them so they were very fresh and clean. It's been four months since my right shoulder surgery, and I'm soooo grateful that I can still enjoy this activity this year. *ー*ー*ー*ー* The cherry blossoms are a feast for birds. They are busy drinking sweet nectar from the roots of flowers and dropping them on the ground. When I looked up at the tree, some cherry blossoms dropped directly into my hands. I felt like the sparrows gave me a spring present. I also picked some of the cherry bloss...