海とその中に満ちるもの・The Sea and All that is in it

【 Today's art piece 】


アルコールに浸した綿棒や楊枝で 海の生物を描きました。

The title is ”The Sea and All that is in it”.

Do you know that the total number of marine species known to us is about 240,000 species, according to the 2021 census of the World Resister of Marine Species? 

It is also said that the actual number might be more than one million species.
 That is far beyond my imagination!


海の生物って今知られてるだけで 24万種!


 I colored a sheet of paper with alcohol ink and dried it completely.

 Then I drew some sea creatures using alcohol-dipped Q-tips and toothpicks.

アルコールのにじみを コントロールするのが難しくて、

なかなか 思ったようには描けないけど、

そこが アートの面白さ♡

 I couldn't control how the alcohol would expand on the paper, 
so it was difficult to depict exactly what I wanted to draw.

 However, I think that is the most interesting part of art.



In Christ.♡ キリストの愛の中で

主はわたしの牧者 詩篇23篇・The Lord is my shepherd Paslm23

Just Do It!  / とにかく やんなよ!