思い出せない夢・A Dream that I can't remember




I've been enjoying playing with alcohol ink. This is my new art piece.
The title of this art piece is ”A Dream that I can't remember.”

First, I drew a picture using many colors of alcohol ink. 
After I dried it completely, I drew pictures on it with alcohol.

 I dipped a brush, cotton swabs, or toothpicks into alcohol 
and drew various things that popped up in my mind. 

It was really fun! 

It was interesting to see when I touched the brushes on the drawing, 
alcohol removes the colors from it.

 I drew various shapes randomly just as I like without thinking much.

I thought that Chagall might have done the same
 even though art critics analyze and try to find
 meanings of every shape in his art pieces.



In Christ.♡ キリストの愛の中で

主はわたしの牧者 詩篇23篇・The Lord is my shepherd Paslm23

Just Do It!  / とにかく やんなよ!