金谷善伝衛さんの稲毛別荘・Denbei Kanaya Inage villa
稲毛市民ギャラリーに はじめて行ってきました。
I visited Chiba Simin gallery with my husband for the first time.
There was Denbei Kanaya Inage villa next to the gallery.
ギャラリーの隣は ワイン王として有名な
金谷善伝衛さんの別荘が ありました。
築104年のモダンな 西洋建築。
Mr. Kanaya was a famous businessman in the Meiji era.
内装は 純日本家屋のたたずまいもあって 素敵です♡
Inside of 104-year-old villa, there are Europian-style architecture,
yet also had traditional Japanese taste here and there.
特に圧巻だったのは 欄間の見事な 葡萄の透かし彫り!
I was especially amazed by the fine detail of grapes cavings
on the second floor.
こんな素敵な建物が 身近に残ってるのは 嬉しいですね。
It was good to know that such a beautiful villa still remains in our area.