春恒例の花見川散策・The Annual Riverside Walking and Sketching


ほとんどの時間 お家ですごしている今日この頃




My husband and I have stayed at home as much as possible
but I'm afraid that just staying at home and
sitting in front of PC for long hours might increase other risks,
like heart disease or diabetes.

I think as long as avoiding Three Cs,
Closed spaces, Crowded places and Close-contact settings,
we should do more exercises.


So we drove to the Hanamigawa riverside and took a walk.

While my husband was sketching as usual,
I walked to the bridge under the cherry blossom.


なんか あやしい人っぽい😅

桜の花は 美しく咲き誇り、

川は 穏やかに 流れている。

世界中に 恐れが 満ちているなんて、

にわかには 信じがたい 春の一日。

We've spent the time like that every Spring there.
It looked so calm and peaceful.

It was hard to believe that
the world has changed so drastically in such a short period of time.


In Christ.♡ キリストの愛の中で

主はわたしの牧者 詩篇23篇・The Lord is my shepherd Paslm23

Just Do It!  / とにかく やんなよ!