元気バーバとミシン・The Powerful Grandma and a sewing machine

今日は母(83歳)と 映画を観に行く予定だった。

(There is an English explanation on the bottom.)

樹木希林さん主演の 「日日是好日」
しかも 母の希望で 朝9:40からの回...(早いよ..)

朝8:30、母 到着。

でも ちょっと風邪ぎみだというので、
ってゆーか、母が一方的に2時間ほど マシンガントーク








え?  私、コードが ほしかっただけなんですけど...😅



10分後、母 到着。


そこに 普段はお店にいないオーナーが たまたまやってきて、
なにやら おじさんを しかりはじめた。

おじさんが 勝手に50%オフに してくれちゃったらしい...

オーナー 「勝手に値段下げちゃダメだよ」
おじさん 「でも、安くないとお客さんが困るってゆーから~」


私「こっちのミシンのコードはメーカーに聞いても もうないんですよね?」
じゃあもう帰りますっ て言おうとしたら

突然 オーナーが  「じゃあ今度だけは半額でいいよ」 と太っ腹なお言葉。

すかさず母が 「まぁ!ありがとうございます!」


私が 手続きをしてる間、隣で最新式のミシンの 説明を聞いてた母。
ボタンホール機能が すっかり気に入ったらしい

でも 税込み18万以上、といいお値段。

オーナーの 「今キャンペーン中だから 現金なら6万8千円にまけるよ!」
という一言で即刻 購入決定!

そんなこんなで あっという間に
ミシンを二台も 買った忙しい朝だったのでした。


I was supposed to see the movie with my Mom today.
 She came to my house around 8:30 am, 
but she said that she might have caught a cold.
 So we stayed at home and had tea instead. 

I told her that I couldn't find the power cord for my sewing machine.
 She took a picture of it with her smartphone and promised me that
 she would ask about it at the sewing machine shop on the way back home and left. 

20 minutes later, she came back with a power cord which she borrowed from the shop. Unfortunately, it didn't fit with my sewing machine. 

Then she said that she would bring the sewing machine to the shop, 
because they might be able to find the matching power cord for it. 
I agreed and handed my sewing machine to my Mom.

10 minutes later, she called me from the shop and said, 
"The production of the power cord for this sewing machine was already phased-out, 
but I found another nice sewing machine. 
It's only 15000 yen. Why don't you buy it?"

It was too sudden, so I hesitated.
Then my Mom said, "I'll pay 5000 yen for you, and you pay 10000."
Before I could say yes nor no,
she said,"Anyway, I'll come to fetch you."

10 minutes later, before I made up my mind, she came back 
and took me to the shop.

A nice old man was there and explained about the sewing machine.
Then, suddenly the shop owner, who usually doesn't stay there, appeared and 
started scolding the old man because he lowered the price to 50%.

We felt uncomfortable and sorry for the old man 
and said that we would no longer buy the sewing machine.
Then, the shop owner changed his mind and decided to sell it at 50% discount.

While I was signing the document, my Mom found another nice sewing machine.
 It was 170000 yen, 
but the shop owner said he would give it at 68000 if she buys it in cash.

Of course she bought it.

So we got 2 new sewing machines in 30 minutes.

What a day!


In Christ.♡ キリストの愛の中で

主はわたしの牧者 詩篇23篇・The Lord is my shepherd Paslm23

Just Do It!  / とにかく やんなよ!