鋸南町 水仙の里・Kyonanmachi Daffodils Hill

I visited Kyonanmachi with my husband.
鋸南町 頂上からの眺め

We made it a custom to visit there every New Year for several years now. 

We had lunch at former Hota elementary school, 
which was renovated as restaurants and shops. 

給食スタイル アジフライ定食

We had fried horse mackerel in typical school lunch style. 
It was delicious!

After lunch, we drove to a highway rest area. 
We parked the car there and started to walk to a hill. 
鋸南町 水仙 
Kyonanmachi is famous for daffodils. 

鋸南町 水仙
The narrow pathway was filled with daffodils. I
 deeply inhaled the scent of the beautiful flowers. 

Some parts of the road to the hilltop was steep, 
but thankfully we reached the top without much trouble. 
(My husband looked like an ancient prophet😆)

鋸南町水仙の丘 頂上からの眺め
The view from the hilltop was breathtaking. We could see the shining sea far away.

It was windy, but we enjoyed Sakuramachi, a traditional Japanese sweet for the spring, which I bought at a farmer's market in Hota elementary school.

We were so grateful for being able to go there again, 
especially after I had an accident and a surgery. 

We prayed to the Lord for His grace and protection
 for this year at the top of the hill. 

鋸南町 笑楽の湯
On the way back home, we stopped at a small hot spring to relax. 

It was an unforgettable New Year trip.



In Christ.♡ キリストの愛の中で

主はわたしの牧者 詩篇23篇・The Lord is my shepherd Paslm23

Just Do It!  / とにかく やんなよ!