つぶつぶ愛が止まりません!(笑)/ Baby Succulents

(Followed by English translation)

多肉植物 葉挿し




暖かいところに置いておけば、やがて つぶつぶ赤ちゃん達が育ってきます。


それまで茎にくっついて、何不自由なく のほほんと生きていた葉っぱたち。

気がついたら 冷たい土の上にひとり転がされてて…
多肉植物 葉挿し

でもつぶつぶ達は、慌てず騒がず、置かれた場所で じっと時が来るのを待っています。

多肉植物 葉挿し 赤ちゃん




そんな つぶつぶベビー達を見ていたら、






As I wrote before, I've been into succulent plants recently.They come in various colors and sizesOne of the best things about them is being very easy to propagate.

To propagate them, you just randomly remove a few leaves from your succulent plants and put them in the soil.

Isn't it amazing? I'm always fascinated with tiny baby succulents that come out of a piece of leaf. I mean, the leaf was content with its life as a leaf before it was cut off from its stem. Then suddenly, it found itself lying down on the soil. Is it just going to die? No. The switch of some of the genes in it is turned on, and the whole process of reproducing begins. 

I don't know the details of how this gene regulation system works, but I'm just amazed by the fact that once the plants are put in a certain stressful situation, the gene switch, which was turned off until then, is stimulated.

No special treatment is required to propagate succulent plants. Thet already have built-in ability to survive.They don't just survive, they thrive.

I simply placed them on the soil. I didn't even have to cover it with soil.

It reminds me of the Bible verse; Be still, and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10)

When we are in a stressful situation, we may struggle to overcome it by ourselves and be depressed if we can't. 

First and foremost, we need to cast our burden on the Lord and trust him because he cares for us. (1 Peter 5:7)



In Christ.♡ キリストの愛の中で

主はわたしの牧者 詩篇23篇・The Lord is my shepherd Paslm23

Just Do It!  / とにかく やんなよ!