


結婚以来 欠かさず飾っていたクリスマスツリー。 今年は 怪我で断念~ 何もないのも寂しいので、 リハビリウォーキング中に拾った 桜の枝で クリスマスデコレーショ ンに挑戦 ! まず、ガラスの瓶に  IKEA で買った 豆電球を入れて そこに 拾ってきた枝を刺して、 ついこの間  母がくれた 赤とシルバーのチェーンを巻き巻き。 このチェーンは、 20 年位前に母が父と一緒にピースボートで  世界旅行に行った時  イタリアで買ってきたもの。 それからずっと取ってあったなんて、どんどけ物持ちいいの〜 まだちょっと寂しかったので、 ずっと取っておいた( 私も人のことは言えない ) ベルに   テグスを結びつけて 枝から下げてみました。   最後に 豆電球の スイッチを入れたら、 ジャジャーン! シンプルだけど  世界に 1 つだけの クリスマスデコレーションの 出来 上がり!   地面に落ちて 何の役にも立たなそうな枯れ枝たちも、 ちょっとした一手間でキラキラ 最近骨折して いろんなことができない 自分に重ねてみたりして ( 笑 )   今回は ちょっとがんばって動画も入れてみました! I cannot decorate the Christmas tree and other ornaments this year because of my injury.  It's a shame!  I've always enjoyed decorating my house for the Christmas season.   I picked some cherry tree branches on the ground during my walking exercise.  I decided to make a Christmas decoration using them.     I put them into a glass jar with miniature bulbs from IKEA.   The other day my mom me gave me two rolls of silver and red...

「雪原」・Snow Field

        今日も暑かったですね 涼し気な絵や写真を見ると、体感温度が少し下がるそう。 というわけで、 題名は「雪原」です。 雪の野原で ゴロゴロ寝転がりたい~ *************************************************  I created another cool-looking alcohol ink art piece.  I named it Snow Field.  As I wrote before, it is said that looking at cold scenery or cold-themed pictures makes the viewer's body temperature drop.  I don't know if it's true or not, I actually feel cooler when I look at this art piece. First, I painted with blue and black alcohol ink  with a brush on the upper part of YUPO paper to express the sky.  Then I dropped blue and purple alcohol ink at the bottom of the paper.  I added some IPA and dried it with a dryer while I moved the paper.  I tried to create a field covered with snow.  Lastly, I drew the moon in the sky with alcohol.  I think it turned out well.♡

刺繍のトートバッグ・The embroidery tote bag

気がつけば 展覧会まであと三日。。 刺繍のトートバッグ。おわるのかな~ 聖書に関係する漢字と線を組み合わせてデザイン。 ライトデスクでトレース。 チクチクと 刺繍を刺し始める 毎日 仕事から帰ってきて チクチク ちょっとずつ チクチク 少しずつ チクチク ちょっと 終わりがみえてきた。 Last Sunday, I suddenly realized that I have only one week before the art exhibition with my husband. I still have many ongoing projects. One of them is this embroidery. I designed the art piece by combining some Bible-related kanji characters and straight lines.  I've already made a T-shirt by using the design. When I saw it, an idea popped into my mind. I decided to make a matching tote bag with embroidery. I hope I can finish all the projects by Saturday night,  but I also have to go to schools for the ECG checkup job during the day.  I thought embroidery would be easy because the design consists of only straight lines. It's not difficult but takes much more time than I thought.  

ちょこっとリメイク・Changing door handles

使い始めてかれこれ 30年以上になる食器棚。 取っ手のペンキも剥げて。。。 なので、カインズで新しいのを買ってきて 替えました。    ほんのひと手間で いい感じになりました。 取っ手を変えるだけの ちょこっとリメイク、 おススメです! The cupboard in our kitchen is more than 30 years old now.  We inherited it from my parents when we moved into this house.  The paint on the door handles had peeled off and didn't look good. Therefore, I decided to replace them with new ones. I bought simple white door handles at CAINZ. I asked my husband to take off the screw covers. Then I took off the old door handles and replaced them with new ones. All three door handles took less than five minutes, but the hack was pretty effective. If you have shabby-looking furniture, I recommend changing the door handles. It's easy, fast, and cheap.  

鋸山美術館・the Nokogiri-Yama art museu

One of the students in my husband's watercolor class won a prize and his paintings were displayed at the Nokogiri-Yama art museum.  Therefore, my husband and I went there last weekend.  It was a small but nice museum.  They also have a unique garden. We strolled on the nearby beach.  I found many beautiful sea glasses there.  We had a great time. It was the first time I found sea glasses on the beach.  I couldn't find them on the beach near my house.  Maybe the waves are too calm there.  I thought it was amazing that crushed bottles and useless things  had been turned into such beautiful gems.  To be transformed into the gems,  they had to endure in the cold sea for a long time.  They might have to go through terrible storms sometimes.  While they were tossed around in hard waves, their sharp edges were rounded off.  I think the same things could be said about our lives and characters. We all don't want to encounter a...

海とその中に満ちるもの・The Sea and All that is in it

【 Today's art piece 】 アルコールインクで彩色した後、 アルコールに浸した綿棒や楊枝で 海の生物を描きました。 The title is ”The Sea and All that is in it”. Do you know that the total number of marine species known to us is about 240,000 species, according to the 2021 census of the World Resister of Marine Species?  It is also said that the actual number might be more than one million species.  That is far beyond my imagination! 知ってました? 海の生物って今知られてるだけで 24万種! 実際には100万種以上いるらしい・・・  I colored a sheet of paper with alcohol ink and dried it completely.  Then I drew some sea creatures using alcohol-dipped Q-tips and toothpicks. アルコールのにじみを コントロールするのが難しくて、 なかなか 思ったようには描けないけど、 そこが アートの面白さ♡  I couldn't control how the alcohol would expand on the paper,  so it was difficult to depict exactly what I wanted to draw.  However, I think that is the most interesting part of art.  

ローズガーデン・Rose Garden

今日の一枚 アルコールインクの鮮やかな色彩の上を アルコールを浸した綿棒でクルクルしたら、 なんとなくバラっぽくなりました(笑) Today's art piece.  The title is Rose Garden.  When I finished coloring a paper with pink, red, orange, and yellow alcohol ink,  I didn't have a particular idea about how I would complete this art piece.  However, while I kept looking at it,  I naturally started drawing small roses with alcohol-dipped Q-tips.  I was quite happy with how it turned out.

思い出せない夢・A Dream that I can't remember

アルコールインクで遊んでみました。 ちょっとシャガールっぽい?(笑) タイトルは「思い出せない夢」 I've been enjoying playing with alcohol ink. This is my new art piece.   The title of this art piece is ”A Dream that I can't remember.” First, I drew a picture using many colors of alcohol ink.  After I dried it completely, I drew pictures on it with alcohol.  I dipped a brush, cotton swabs, or toothpicks into alcohol  and drew various things that popped up in my mind.  It was really fun!  It was interesting to see when I touched the brushes on the drawing,  alcohol removes the colors from it.  I drew various shapes randomly just as I like without thinking much. I thought that Chagall might have done the same  even though art critics analyze and try to find  meanings of every shape in his art pieces.  

鋸南町水仙ロード ・ the daffodils road in Kyonanmachi

毎年恒例の水仙ロードにいってきました。 Today my husband and I went for annual trekking to Kyonanmachi in Boso.  保田の昔の小学校をリノベーションした道の駅でランチ。 アジフライがすっごくおいしかった! At first, we had fried horse mackerel for lunch at a restaurant  that was renovated out of an old school.  大好きだった給食メニュー・味噌ピー。 懐かしい味! 給食で余った分みんなで取り合ったりしたな~ 結構な登り坂も、水仙を楽しみながらだと頑張って登れます。 Then, we parked our car at Furasi, a rest area on the highway.  From there, we walked along the daffodils road to a hill.  The daffodils were in their full bloom and they were very beautiful. 頂上の展望台から海が一望!  When we reached  the top of the hill, an amazing view was spread in front of us.  去年まであった東屋はなくなってたけど、ベンチはあったので、 持って行ったケーキで一休み。 帰りの下り道は竹林、 何気に拾った杖がとっても役に立ちました。 車を停めておいたサービスエリア「 富楽里とみやま」で 熱々のつみれ汁が冷えたからだにしみました~ After we came back to the east area, we had hot fish ball soup.    とってもいい一日でした。感謝。 reallyI enjoyed the whole day!