モスバーガーとサービスのお水・MOS Burger & Free iced water
学校検診、午前が終わって午後の学校に向かう途中でお昼休憩。 運転手さんがモスバーガーの目の前の駐車場に車停めてくれたので、 これはもう行くしかないでしょ(笑) ってわけで、久々のモス! 来週の胃カメラに備えて、 大好きなポテトも、カフェインもお砂糖たっぷりドリンクもパス・・・ 水筒あるからいいやって思って、モスバーガーのみ注文。 席に座って待ってたら、バーガーと一緒にお水も持ってきてくれたー♡ 全然頼んだりしてないのに、こんなサービスしてくれるのって、 日本だけかも〜 日本のサービス最高! I had lunch at a MOS Burger restaurant for the first time in a long time at my lunch break today. Since I've been careful about not taking any oily food, caffeine, and cold drinks, I ordered only a MOS Burger. I didn't order any drinks because I had my own water bottle of hot black bean tea. The waitress gave me a number ticket and told me to put it on the table. I put the number ticket on my table as told. About ten minutes later, the waitress brought me a tray of my order. I expected to get just a burger, but to my surprise, there was a tall glass of iced water next to the hamburger! I didn't ask for it. I even didn't mention water at all! However, the waitress assumed that I would need something to drink ...