
4月, 2024の投稿を表示しています

モスバーガーとサービスのお水・MOS Burger & Free iced water

学校検診、午前が終わって午後の学校に向かう途中でお昼休憩。 運転手さんがモスバーガーの目の前の駐車場に車停めてくれたので、 これはもう行くしかないでしょ(笑) ってわけで、久々のモス! 来週の胃カメラに備えて、 大好きなポテトも、カフェインもお砂糖たっぷりドリンクもパス・・・ 水筒あるからいいやって思って、モスバーガーのみ注文。 席に座って待ってたら、バーガーと一緒にお水も持ってきてくれたー♡ 全然頼んだりしてないのに、こんなサービスしてくれるのって、 日本だけかも〜 日本のサービス最高!  I had lunch at a MOS Burger restaurant for the first time in a long time at my lunch break today. Since I've been careful about not taking any oily food, caffeine, and cold drinks, I ordered only a MOS Burger.  I didn't order any drinks because I had my own water bottle of hot black bean tea. The waitress gave me a number ticket and told me to put it on the table. I put the number ticket on my table as told.  About ten minutes later, the waitress brought me a tray of my order.  I expected to get just a burger,  but to my surprise, there was a tall glass of iced water next to the hamburger! I didn't ask for it. I even didn't mention water at all!  However, the waitress assumed that I would need something to drink ...

作品とシフォンケーキのお届け/ Delivering my art pieces and a chiffon cake

 I went to Yotsukaido to conduct ECG checks for high school students  I accepted this job offer because my husband also had his art class in Yotsukaido.  I thought he would pick me up after his class. Actually, my friend who lives in Yotsukaido came to pick me up at the high school and took me to her house. she bought two of my art pieces at the art exhibition in Tokyo last month.  I promised her to deliver them on that day. I had baked a chiffon cake the night before. I asked my husband to bring the art pieces and the cake when he went to his class. My husband drove to my friend's house after his art class. I was happy when I was able to take out the chiffon cake out of the pan successfully. Four of us, my friend, her husband, my husband, and I enjoyed the cake and tea.


久しぶりにゆっくり朝ごはん♡と、思ったら、 食パン、かびてた〜 小麦粉も牛乳もない〜  卵はかろうじて1個あったから、 米粉とヨーグルトで代用して、ワッフル朝ごはん。 なんとかなるもんだ  was about to toast a slice of bread for breakfast, but found it was moldy. Then I planned to bake waffles but noticed there was no milk or flour in the fridge. Therefore, I used rice and yogurt instead. Even though I baked waffles for the first time in a long time, they turned out pretty good. I was hungry and I didn't want to eat rice for breakfast. My husband also needed to have breakfast and go to work. So, baking waffles with a waffle maker was the quickest solution for that. I used powdered rice from a supermarket, but the yogurt was homemade. My husband has made yogurt for many years now. He takes a part of yogurt and adds it to a new carton of milk. After shaking it well, he puts it somewhere warm. Then milk turns into yogurt.