アートスタジオ大改造! / Renovating the art studio

主人の仕事部屋を私の アートスタジオ に大改造! I've renovated my husband's small home office into my new art studio. 本棚の中身を出して整理整頓 でも色とりどりのファイルや本が 気になる〜 💦 I organized his book shelf and tried to style it to my taste. However, the various colors and shapes of files and books made it hard. They gave a cluttered impression and I didn't like it. なんとかした〜い! で、 クローゼットの中で忘れられてた レースカーテン 発見! So, I decided to make a curtain and cover it. Then I found a brand new lace curtain in our closet which I completely forgot about. でも一枚だけだと スケスケ〜 😅 It was long enough for the bookshelf but too thin. なので100均でカフェカーテン4枚買ってきて 上から縫い付けてみたよ To fix the problem, I bought four cafe curtains at a 100 shop and sewed them on it. 最後に長さを調節したら、 いい感じ♡ Lastly, I folded back the end of the curtain to adjust the length. I love how it turned out. 100均の突っ張り棒を通したら、 Then I went to a 100 shop with my husband and bought a tension rod. I passed it through the curtain and my husband installed it on the ...