
2月, 2024の投稿を表示しています

In Christ.♡ キリストの愛の中で

大きなふわっふわっのクッションみたいな 神様の愛に包まれて ほわわ〜んとリラックス〜 そんな思いを込めて作りました♡ I made a mixed-medium art piece.  This time I used washi-tape and watercolor pencils.
 I wanted to depict that everyone who believes in Christ is in Christ  and surrounded by God's love.   God's  love is like a huge cushion that will catch us no matter what happens. So we don't have to try hard to gain God's love. Becase we are already loved. 
All we need to do is to throw ourselves on it as we are.  And  just relaxing and enjoying the softness and warmth  of the cushion surrounding us. マスキングテープをちぎってまーるく貼って 周りを水彩色鉛筆で ほんわか 神様の愛 I cut each piece of washi-tape by hand and shaped it into a circle. 真ん中に 誰を寝かせよう? 人、うさぎ、ねこちゃん、いろいろ描いてみた  I initially intended to create a human shape,  but I ended up crafting rabbits and cats instead. I chose to make cute and relaxing figures. この子に決定! トレッシングペーパーに写して 色鉛筆でちょっとおめかし バックに重ねれば、出来上がり♡ I then placed the tracing paper over the background that I made. なん...