The first anniversary of my surgery・オペ一周年記念♡
右肩の手術から今日でちょうど一年 It has been exactly one year since I had the surgery on my broken right shoulder. あの頃は右手でペンも握れず、左手で絵を描いたりしてたけど、 One year ago today around this time, I was lying on an operating table unconsciously under general anesthesia. I still go to physical therapy twice a month but I regained almost all function of my right arm. At that time, I couldn't even hold a pen with my right hand. 一年経って、 右手で好きなように絵を描けるようになりました♡ Now I can draw an intricate picture as I wish. I became so grateful for many things that I used to do without thinking. 自由に外を歩き回ったり、好きな時間に自分のベッドに寝らるれこと。 手術前は当たり前だと思ってた、そんな小さなひとつひとつが とってもありがたいことだって、気がつきました。 It hurts and is an agonizing experience, but I learned a lot through this one-year recovery journey. I became more grateful for every small thing that I took for granted before the surgery, such as being able to go to bed anytime I wanted to and sleep in my own bed without caring about other patients in t...