
5月, 2022の投稿を表示しています

刺繍のトートバッグ・The embroidery tote bag

気がつけば 展覧会まであと三日。。 刺繍のトートバッグ。おわるのかな~ 聖書に関係する漢字と線を組み合わせてデザイン。 ライトデスクでトレース。 チクチクと 刺繍を刺し始める 毎日 仕事から帰ってきて チクチク ちょっとずつ チクチク 少しずつ チクチク ちょっと 終わりがみえてきた。 Last Sunday, I suddenly realized that I have only one week before the art exhibition with my husband. I still have many ongoing projects. One of them is this embroidery. I designed the art piece by combining some Bible-related kanji characters and straight lines.  I've already made a T-shirt by using the design. When I saw it, an idea popped into my mind. I decided to make a matching tote bag with embroidery. I hope I can finish all the projects by Saturday night,  but I also have to go to schools for the ECG checkup job during the day.  I thought embroidery would be easy because the design consists of only straight lines. It's not difficult but takes much more time than I thought.  

ちょこっとリメイク・Changing door handles

使い始めてかれこれ 30年以上になる食器棚。 取っ手のペンキも剥げて。。。 なので、カインズで新しいのを買ってきて 替えました。    ほんのひと手間で いい感じになりました。 取っ手を変えるだけの ちょこっとリメイク、 おススメです! The cupboard in our kitchen is more than 30 years old now.  We inherited it from my parents when we moved into this house.  The paint on the door handles had peeled off and didn't look good. Therefore, I decided to replace them with new ones. I bought simple white door handles at CAINZ. I asked my husband to take off the screw covers. Then I took off the old door handles and replaced them with new ones. All three door handles took less than five minutes, but the hack was pretty effective. If you have shabby-looking furniture, I recommend changing the door handles. It's easy, fast, and cheap.