埼玉県立近代美術館・The Museum of Modern Art,Saitama.

透明水彩会のメンバーの方の個展を見に大宮へ。 The other day, my husband and I went to Omiya in Saitama prefecture to see his friend's art exhibition. It was the first time for me to get off at the Omiya station. 初めて大宮駅に降りて、その大きさにびっくり 駅中にお店もレストランもいっぱい。 長い階段も一段登ると0.1カロリー減ると思えば頑張れる!? To my surprise, it was huge and had a lot of shops and restaurants inside of it. 自然を描いた小林啓子さんのステキな個展💗 オオミヤバル でランチ。 ライン登録すると サラダとドリンクが無料になるお得なサービスで、 このランチセットがなんと850円! We had lunch at the steak restaurant. Can you believe this steak set costed only 850 yen? 満腹になったところで二つ先の駅北浦和の 埼玉県立近代美術館 へ We also visited The Museum of Modern Art,Saitama. The admission fee was only 200 yen, so I didn't expect much. However, their MOMAS collection was impressive. 荷物を預けようとロッカーに行ったら なんかチカチカ光ってる 爆弾!?😱 Something is blinking in the locker. と思ったら、これもアート作品らしい・・・たぶん There wasn't any explanation, but it seemed that it was also ...